“Human misery must somewhere have a stop; there is no wind that always blows a storm; great good fortune comes to failure in the end. All is change; all yields its place and goes; to persevere, trusting in what hopes he has, is courage in a man. The coward despairs.”

~ Euripides

Qoute of The Day

Scandal or Business as Usual?

Hello, forgive me folks for my hiatus but I am back and ready to write hopefully along my previous claim “on a weekly basis”. Anyway lets get into the dirty shall we? Now everyone in some fashion or another “reads the news” either from internet websites, television, newspapers, blogs, or even from this blog! With this advent we see saturation or I should say an over-saturation of our media and information landscape, which has grown exponentially in the last twenty or so years. And with this amount of information at our fingertips it has become that much harder for us to discern that which is true and that which is mere speculation. But let me digress a bit here, journalism of today can be considered the gatekeeper of information, that being said most of society looks to them for the truth. Herein lies our problem that we find today, the dichotomy in journalism or any field of information dissemination for that matter, is not between what is “true and what is mere speculation” but between “what is acceptable for society and what is not acceptable” by acceptable I mean “acceptable reality”. The acceptable reality we have been given thus far is that “The State can be trusted, is benevolent, and only looking out for our interests.” at least within the mainstream construct. They have shown us this acceptable reality instead of reporting the truth or at least the belief that they are searching for the truth. There has been many investigative journalists and authors who step out of the yellow journalism mold, which has been true for most of history. Sadly those who try to warn us about the impeding danger, are rarely listened to. The real problem then becomes our discovery process for “what is actually true” being shifted to really a process of keeping people blind. Our discovery process is halted by the notion “what is acceptable reality for society” which is no discovery process at all! A joke if you will, instead of all the news thats fit to print, the motto should be, all the acceptable reality fit to print! To make this all seem relevant let me start by asking a simple question… How many scandals does it take before the acceptable reality we have been given for so long is no longer acceptable?

It seems like today we have a new scandal every week… I am afraid the media can no longer hide the truth behind what is acceptable anymore. I think I need to make a list there is so many damn scandals… Lets start from the top shall we? Looking at the past ten years alone we find our first major scandal Enron and Climategate both related incidents and you may ask well what does that have to do with the US government? Which it isn’t directly linked to the US it is more directly linked to the global factions which for all intensive purposes are connected to the US. Think of it as a spider web, the question becomes then, how far does the web extend and who is the spider at the center? But I digress back to our issue at hand, Wikileaks which exposed the conduct of the US military as being nothing more than extra-judicial killings of innocent men, women, and children, among other accusations. Next the assassination of an sixteen year old boy Abdulrahman al-Awlaki who was an American citizen without trial or jury just because he happened to be the son of “alleged terrorist” Anwar al-Awlaki also an American citizen who was slain two weeks prior, both of them by CIA drone strikes in Yemen. Which brings me to the next one, being the double increase in drone strikes by the Obama administration since Bush, which statistically misses its intended target by ninety-five percent and instead also kills innocent men, women, and children. Second we have Benghazigate where when there is a “real terrorist threat” no action is taken and is allowed to take place. The embassy was left out to dry and no help was offered even though the officials at the embassy had requested reinforcements but none came… Of course we have the IRS scandal which is modus operandi for the IRS the only thing that changed is those being persecuted. And last but not least the latest scandal, NSA caught spying on all forms of our communications see here, here, and here. Just to name a few of the scandals in the past ten years. Of course I could add more but these being notable, highlight the trend well enough.

All of this is harrowing information and for many its unbelievable. Some will interpret this as business as usual either in a good way or a bad way. For me I interpret this as being that watershed moment when we all realize “the emperor has no clothes”. However we have all seen this before, what Nixon did in the 1970’s mainly the “Watergate” scandal made him resign just out of fear of being impeached. What current presidents get away with today make Nixon look like a saint. And rightly so because as far as I know nobody is getting impeached, yet… Even though Benghazi, the NSA, the assassinations of American citizens, and drone strikes have all been directly linked to the Obama administration what I want to stress is that this is nothing new its a continuation of previous policy. The state of affairs we are in is a culmination of past events most notably starting with the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank. An old cliché goes that if you have a pot of boiling water and place a frog in the pot it will jump out immediately, however if you place a frog in a pot of cold water and slowly heat the pot until it boils the frog will sit there, Fabian Socialism at its finest. Of course the knee jerk reaction is to stick your head in the sand and hope this all blows over… well I am afraid folks that it is no longer possible to look the other way. The more prudent question to ask now is how many more scandals are we going to allow before we take action and overthrow the tyrants and refresh the tree of liberty?

Today our “acceptable reality” is becoming a nightmare now that the truth is being revealed. Quite frankly we have only scratched the surface on the wheeling and dealing that has been going on at the State level. If you peel the onion back enough and get to the center you find that we are no better than the tyrants of the past. We now are faced with a choice do we acknowledge our mistakes and reverse these trends? Or do we repeat the nightmare of history? As long as we keep accepting this reality given to us by the media and ultimately by the State, then the prosperity and freedom we once enjoyed will be gone. The answer is to first not accept the reality the State wants us to believe that “the state is god”, but to discover the truth, and if you are able, speak the truth. As George Orwell famously opined “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” If we as individuals simply choose to not accept their “acceptable reality” and discover the truth for ourselves, this act alone would topple the current regime and good riddance! Ultimately putting your faith in God and his creation and not putting your faith in an benevolent and omnipresent State, this being a true act of rebellion, which is also the true meaning of liberty. And with those thoughts in mind folks wherever you are stay free.